How to Remove an RV Refrigerator: Step-by-Step Guide

removing rv refrigerator safely

To remove an RV refrigerator, start by disconnecting all power sources: unplug from the outlet, turn off DC power, and shut off the gas line. Clear the area, remove items, and identify the screws (4 bottom, 2 top) using a screwdriver. Safely loosen and disconnect the gas line. Grip the sides, lift carefully, making sure disconnection, and place it securely. This process guarantees a smooth removal without damage. You’re on the right track to successfully removing the RV refrigerator by following these steps.

Disconnect All Power Sources

Before removing the RV refrigerator, make sure you disconnect all power sources to prevent any potential hazards.

Begin by unplugging the refrigerator from the household outlet to disconnect the AC power source.

Next, confirm the DC power is turned off by disconnecting the batteries that supply power to the refrigerator.

To safely disconnect the propane gas line, first, shut off the gas and then utilize the appropriate tools for disconnection.

It’s essential to verify that all power sources are completely disconnected before proceeding with the removal of the refrigerator to avoid any accidents or mishaps.

Following these steps diligently will help you safely and effectively disconnect all power sources, making the removal process smoother and hazard-free.

Empty and Clear Surrounding Space

To prepare for the removal of the RV refrigerator, start by emptying it of all items and food to lighten the load for easier handling. Clear the surrounding space by removing any obstacles or furniture near the refrigerator. Confirm there are no obstructions above or around the refrigerator that may hinder its removal. Remove any detachable parts or accessories from the refrigerator to prevent damage during removal. Have a clear path from the refrigerator to the exit to facilitate its smooth removal from the RV.

Steps to Empty and Clear Space
1. Empty all items from the refrigerator
2. Remove food items from the fridge
3. Clear any furniture around the refrigerator
4. Check for overhead obstructions
5. Confirm a clear path to the exit

Identify and Remove Screws

identify and remove screws

You can easily locate the 4 screws at the bottom of the refrigerator that secure it in place. Additionally, identify and remove the 2 screws at the top of the fridge, which are hidden behind the control panel.

Using a screwdriver, carefully unscrew and detach these screws from the refrigerator. It’s vital to keep track of the removed screws to make sure they can be reattached during the installation process.

Once all the screws are removed, you can then carefully lift and remove the refrigerator from its space. This step is essential in the process of safely and effectively removing your RV refrigerator for maintenance or replacement.

Safely Disconnect Gas Line

Make sure the gas supply is turned off before proceeding to safely disconnect the gas line from the RV refrigerator using a backing wrench. Use caution to prevent leaks or accidents. Here is a table to guide you through the process:

1Turn off gas supplyGuarantee safety by shutting off the gas supply.
2Locate gas line connectionFind where the gas line connects to the refrigerator.
3Use backing wrench to loosenGently loosen the connection using a backing wrench.
4Disconnect gas lineCarefully detach the gas line from the refrigerator.
5Drain excess gasSafely release any remaining gas by turning on a stove burner.

Follow these steps to safely disconnect the gas line before proceeding with the removal of the RV refrigerator.

Lift and Remove Refrigerator

move heavy refrigerator safely

Carefully grip the sides of the refrigerator to lift and remove it from the RV, ensuring no damage occurs to the cooling fins or tubing. Before lifting, make sure the refrigerator is disconnected from all power sources to avoid any safety hazards.

It’s recommended to use proper lifting techniques and consider having a second person assist you in this task to prevent accidents. When lifting, tilt the fridge slightly to clear the door frame, allowing for a smooth maneuver out of the RV.

Once removed, place the refrigerator on a secure surface to prevent any damage or injuries during the process. By following these steps diligently, you can safely lift and remove the refrigerator from your RV without any complications.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Do You Remove an RV Refrigerator?

When removing an RV refrigerator, guarantee safety by disconnecting power sources like AC, DC, and propane connections. Unplug the fridge and identify screws holding it in place. Drain excess gas from the propane line before disconnecting. Use proper tools for a successful removal.

How Do You Remove a Refrigerator?

To remove a refrigerator, disconnect power sources and unscrew it carefully. Empty it, clear space, and detach the gas line with caution. Lift and remove following steps to avoid damage. Stay safe and use proper tools.

Can I Replace My RV Fridge With a Standard Refrigerator?

You can consider replacing your RV fridge with a standard one, but consult an RV specialist first. Standard refrigerators need AC power, which may require modifications for your RV’s electrical system. Safety and compatibility are essential.

What Do You Do With an RV Fridge When Not in Use?

If your RV fridge is not in use, make sure it’s cleaned, defrosted, and left slightly ajar to prevent mold and odors. Wipe it down, use baking soda or activated charcoal to absorb odors, and keep the doors open for air circulation.


Removing an RV refrigerator may seem challenging, but with the right steps, it can be done efficiently and safely.

By disconnecting all power sources, clearing the space, identifying screws, and safely disconnecting the gas line, you can easily lift and remove the refrigerator.

Remember to take your time, follow each step carefully, and seek assistance if needed.

With a little patience and know-how, you’ll have that refrigerator out in no time.

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